Grounds for Discipline
Misconduct by a CCFP/CPFP including the following acts or omissions, constitutes grounds for discipline, whether or not the misconduct occurred in the course of a client relationship:

- any act or omission which violates the provisions of the IFFSA Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct (Code of Ethics / Ethics Code).
- any act or omission which violates the criminal laws of any country.
- any act which is the proper basis for suspension of a professional license.
- any act or omission which violates IFFSA terms of Membership and/or these disciplinary procedures.
- failure to respond to a request by the Ethics Chair or Board Chairperson without good cause.
- obstruction of the Ethics Committee, Chair, Board of Directors or Chairpersons performance of its/their duties.
- any false or misleading statement made to IFFSA Board or its direct representatives.
This list is not exclusive, and there may be other acts or omissions amounting to unprofessional conduct, which may also constitute grounds for discipline.