Complaint Process
The following information should be provided to assist the public in understanding the IFFSA Ethics Committee’s investigation and complaint procedures that provide for a thorough review and a decision as to whether there has been a violation of IFFSA Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct, or other requirements of Membership or CCFP/CPFP usage, and if discipline of a CCFP/CPFP is warranted.
A charge against the conduct, actions or recommendations of a CCFP/CPFP is a matter that we take very seriously; therefore, if you feel that a CCFP/CPFP has violated or otherwise not complied with our high standards, you should not hesitate to begin a grievance procedure.
When authorized to use the Certified Corporate Financial Planner/ Certified personal Financial Planner (CCFP/CPFP) designations, each CCFP/CPFP agrees to, at all time, abide by the IFFSA Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct, ongoing continuing education requirements, and all other terms and conditions of Membership, our Statement of Purpose and all other goals of IFFSA as applicable. Their having done so qualifies them, and only them, for a verification listing in the CCFP/CPFP Verification Registry of Qualified Financial Planners.

IFFSA Ethics Committee determines whether allegations are justified and whether the unethical conduct warrants disciplinary action, and as such there is no cost to you. Because one of the functions of IFFSA is the evaluation of grievances, please be assured that your grievance will be investigated vigorously and impartially.
A grievance filed against a CCFP/CPFP is carefully considered, since it could negatively affect a CCFP/CPFP career, reputation and ability to earn a living; therefore, it takes more than a claim of misconduct to justify disciplinary action. Proof of misconduct must be established by a preponderance of the evidence. A grievance should relate to unethical conduct, a violation of IFFSA Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct, which can be proven by evidence. An honest disagreement about how a matter should or should not have been handled would not normally constitute unethical conduct. An error in judgment is not necessarily unethical conduct. CCFP/CPFP, as any other professionals, may not always give the perfect response to a given set of circumstances. For instance, disagreements about fees do not generally constitute unethical conduct. Unexpected declines in security values or the length of time it may take to respond to a client with a completed plan do not generally constitute unethical conduct.
Have a Complaint?
Grievances concerning CCFP/CPFP can be submitted to IFFSA via the followings:
Online: Submit your written complaint via e-mail to:
Mail: Send a written letter detailing your concerns to IFFSA Ethics Committee, Steve