The International Federation of Financial Standards Association (IFFSA) was registered and established in July 2005 in the international financial center of Hong Kong. It is a well-known professional organization in the financial and financial sector. Professional members come from the financial, securities, and insurance industries in Hong Kong, Macau, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Southeast Asia. Currently, it has more than 12,000 members and is a global international organization. In March 2008, the International Quality Certification Organization awarded the ISO9001: 2000 certificate for the quality of services and courses of this association, illustrating that services and courses of the association have reached international standards.Since then IFFSA is advanced to achieve the following goals:
So far, the IFFSA has launched certification services for Chartered Corporate Financial Planner (Junior, Intermediate, Senior), Chartered Personal Financial Planner (Junior, Intermediate, Senior), International Chartered Management Accountant, International Chartered Internal Auditor, International Chartered Financial Analysts, Chartered Enterprise Data Analysts and Manager , and subsequent educational course services.
- To introduce and promote the designation, CCFP (Certified Corporate Financial Planner) and CPFP (Certified Personal Financial Planner), to help the public in identifying those professionals specifically educated & trained in the discipline & profession of Corporate and Personal Financial Planning, from the more generalized field of financial services.
- To help in distinguishing the Corporate and Personal Financial Planning discipline, methodology, and profession as separate and distinct from other fields of finance and financial services.
- To consider and deal by all lawful means with common problems involved in Corporate and Personal Financial Planning fields and to secure cooperative action in advancing common purposes of the Members of the association.
- To distinguish those duly accredited with Corporate and Personal Financial Planning specific designations from the many hundreds among the more general field of financial services.
- To provide an Internet based, free, public educational platform with articles and releases defining, introducing and explaining various Corporate and Personal Financial Planning subjects and computer method for verification and location of Corporate and Personal Financial Planners, to help the public more easily identify and locate qualified Corporate and personal Financial Planners in their geographic area.
- To provide a platform for professional interchange by those who are recognized as duly accredited, educated and trained in the discipline of Financial Planning, and to hold such meetings as may facilitate this general purpose.
- To explain and advance the discipline, theory, and practice of Corporate and Personal Financial Planning by:
- Encouraging research, preparation and presentation of educational papers for the members and the public.
- Holding forums for the presentation and discussion of issues and concerns of its
- Publishing articles, press releases, and other communications that help to disseminate knowledge, facts, information, experience, and other value to the public.
- Encouraging interaction among Financial Planners for the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience.
- To concern with issues & matters affecting its Members in their professional practice of Corporate and Personal Financial Planning, their education, ethics, examination, etc.